Press Release Templates

Text of press release:

Contact Information:

{Company Name}
{Contact person and his/her info}

Ribbon-Cutting Event to Celebrate {Project}


{City, State, Date} - {Company} will be joined by {Name} and {Name} to commemorate the completion of the {Name} Project with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at {location}. The dedication will take place on {date} at {time}.

The project was intended to {purpose}. Work began in {month} and cost {amount of money} to complete. {Brief description of its effects now that it is complete}.

{Quote by a Company staff member discussing benefits and mission statements}.

{Company} funded the majority of the project, with {percentage} allocated from grants. {Company} has already invested {amount} in upcoming projects that will further {cause}.

{Boilerplate about Company including services, products, joint ventures, founders and history}.


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